"What will you have for breakfast?"
"Anything. Whatever you give me". The eyes had so much innocence.
"Have you ever tasted Maggi?"
"Fine, have maggi today"
Next day...
"I liked Maggi. Will you give me again today!!!"
Still the eyes filled with innocence.......
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Where the Land meets the Sea!!!
This Sunday was the typical family Sunday which started with lunch at 'Samrat'(Churchgate) and then a trip to the Gateway of India. We also visited Nariman Point & Worli seaface to witness the amazing sight of the fury of the sea with waves lashing against the high walls of the shores. Some snaps which I managed with my cell phone

The gateway has been closed for the monsoons so you can only view it from the promenade

The Taj overlooking the sea
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Of Facts & Fatwas!!!
Read some time back about a fatwa being issued in Egypt. It was regarding working women & was issued by Mabruk Attia, a professor of theology at Egypt's Islamic Al Azhar university and this is how it went -
"Since working women spent time with male co-workers who are unknown people, if they breast fed the male co-worker five times then theres a family bond established and the male is no longer an unknown person. This way the Islamic rule of which forbids an unknown man and a woman from working together is not violated"
Outrageous as it may be, but I could not help from looking at the humourous side of it -
1. The professor who issued that edict, did he have a fetish of breast feeding? And was he refused by his wife?
2. If there are 5 males working with a woman and she goes ahead and honour the fatwa which means breast feeding 5*5 =25 times and then two of them resign and there are 2 new joinees then what? The cycle starts again? What if its an industry with a high turnover rate?
3. Does this also apply to her boss?
4. What if she's in a job which requires a lot of client interaction?
"When you walk into a government building, you should not be shocked to find a 50-year-old civil servant suckling his colleague," the independent daily Al Dustur said ironically after the fatwa was issued.
Well good sense prevailed in the country where the fatwa was denounced and the professor retracted his fatwa. Guess when these people will start treating women as equals!!!
"Since working women spent time with male co-workers who are unknown people, if they breast fed the male co-worker five times then theres a family bond established and the male is no longer an unknown person. This way the Islamic rule of which forbids an unknown man and a woman from working together is not violated"
Outrageous as it may be, but I could not help from looking at the humourous side of it -
1. The professor who issued that edict, did he have a fetish of breast feeding? And was he refused by his wife?
2. If there are 5 males working with a woman and she goes ahead and honour the fatwa which means breast feeding 5*5 =25 times and then two of them resign and there are 2 new joinees then what? The cycle starts again? What if its an industry with a high turnover rate?
3. Does this also apply to her boss?
4. What if she's in a job which requires a lot of client interaction?
"When you walk into a government building, you should not be shocked to find a 50-year-old civil servant suckling his colleague," the independent daily Al Dustur said ironically after the fatwa was issued.
Well good sense prevailed in the country where the fatwa was denounced and the professor retracted his fatwa. Guess when these people will start treating women as equals!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Give a Thought to Kashmiri Pandits!!!
Its quite late to talk about this topic as many would say but what compelled me to pen this is the NDTV programme on Kashmiri Pandits last nite. In the war of the nations its the Pandits who have suffered the most. Uprooted from their land, from their heritage, a 'refugee' in their own country with no one to stand by them.
In my view it all started way back during partition. And the one responsible - another Kashmiri Pandit. Yes the first Prime Minister of the country. The dandy, colourful, charismatic personality for whom the Prime Minister's post was more important than the country itself.
- First the partition for which he was equally responsible besides Jinnah.
- Second his refusal for a plebiscite. It was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee's proposal to settle the
people displaced by partition in Kashmir and hold the referendum. Nehru obviously felt
threatened by his growing stature.
That was the beginning of the strife in Kashmir which today is on the verge of being split from the country. The 'Heaven on Earth' has slowly and painfully graduated to 'Hell on Earth'.
90's was the worst time for the Pandits. It was the beginning of the open undeclared war by Islamic fundamentalists for Kashmir and the Pandits became the biggest casualty. Close to 400000 pandits were forced to flee their houses and today live in transit camps across the country.
What went against the Pandits?
1. Too few in number (As per last figure its 700000).
2. Too less representation in politics & power.
3. Even though groups like Panun Kashmir exist still they're not big enough or powerful enough
to make a difference.
4. And ofcourse the apathy of the government.
With so much stacked against them, the Kashmiri Pandits are waging an already lost battle. Pandits have given illustrious personalities to the country. From Aryabhat to Kalidas and Nehru to Karan Singh, Kashmiri Pandits at one point of time represented the upper echelons of the Kashmiri civil service and were the most higly educated members of Kashmiri society.
But years of living in transit camps with a subsistence of as low as Rs. 3200, the Pandits today face a among others some immediate problems which require urgent remedial steps to be taken.
- The community today faces extinction for lack of a base.
- Years of living in unhygenic circumstances in transit camps has taken a toll on the fertility
numbers of the Pandits. The birth rate has significantly reduced.
If today the Pandit takes up arms against the government and society, are they really to blame?
But with the dwindling population, peaceful nature and an insignificant representation, even this is not an option for them.
While writing this piece i thought of many solutions for their plight. In my opinion, the best option would be to relocate them in a state like Uttaranchal or Himachal which is not so densely populated and also lags in education and progress. That will give the Pandits to re-establish them in the mainstream with proper jobs and security and will give them the a platform to continue their fight for their lost land.
In my view it all started way back during partition. And the one responsible - another Kashmiri Pandit. Yes the first Prime Minister of the country. The dandy, colourful, charismatic personality for whom the Prime Minister's post was more important than the country itself.
- First the partition for which he was equally responsible besides Jinnah.
- Second his refusal for a plebiscite. It was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee's proposal to settle the
people displaced by partition in Kashmir and hold the referendum. Nehru obviously felt
threatened by his growing stature.
That was the beginning of the strife in Kashmir which today is on the verge of being split from the country. The 'Heaven on Earth' has slowly and painfully graduated to 'Hell on Earth'.
90's was the worst time for the Pandits. It was the beginning of the open undeclared war by Islamic fundamentalists for Kashmir and the Pandits became the biggest casualty. Close to 400000 pandits were forced to flee their houses and today live in transit camps across the country.
What went against the Pandits?
1. Too few in number (As per last figure its 700000).
2. Too less representation in politics & power.
3. Even though groups like Panun Kashmir exist still they're not big enough or powerful enough
to make a difference.
4. And ofcourse the apathy of the government.
With so much stacked against them, the Kashmiri Pandits are waging an already lost battle. Pandits have given illustrious personalities to the country. From Aryabhat to Kalidas and Nehru to Karan Singh, Kashmiri Pandits at one point of time represented the upper echelons of the Kashmiri civil service and were the most higly educated members of Kashmiri society.
But years of living in transit camps with a subsistence of as low as Rs. 3200, the Pandits today face a among others some immediate problems which require urgent remedial steps to be taken.
- The community today faces extinction for lack of a base.
- Years of living in unhygenic circumstances in transit camps has taken a toll on the fertility
numbers of the Pandits. The birth rate has significantly reduced.
If today the Pandit takes up arms against the government and society, are they really to blame?
But with the dwindling population, peaceful nature and an insignificant representation, even this is not an option for them.
While writing this piece i thought of many solutions for their plight. In my opinion, the best option would be to relocate them in a state like Uttaranchal or Himachal which is not so densely populated and also lags in education and progress. That will give the Pandits to re-establish them in the mainstream with proper jobs and security and will give them the a platform to continue their fight for their lost land.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Training courses are now available for women!!!
Have been reading a few posts on 'Adam Times' and thought that an introductory 'Eve Times' is due :). So here we go with a few basic firsts -
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before!
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits.
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits.
4. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First.
5. Communication Skills II: Thinking Before Speaking.
6. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging.
7. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire!!
8. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up!!
9. Introduction to Parking.
10. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space!!
11. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully.
12. Classic Clothing: Wearing Outfits You Already Have.
13. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both!!
14. TV Remotes: For Men Only!!!
P. S. - I did not invest any time or effort to come up with this. This came as a forward from a generous female friend :)
1. Silence, the Final Frontier: Where No Woman Has Gone Before!
2. The Undiscovered Side of Banking: Making Deposits.
3. Parties: Going Without New Outfits.
4. Communication Skills I: Tears - The Last Resort, not the First.
5. Communication Skills II: Thinking Before Speaking.
6. Communication Skills III: Getting What you Want Without Nagging.
7. Driving a Car Safely: A Skill You CAN Acquire!!
8. Telephone Skills: How to Hang Up!!
9. Introduction to Parking.
10. Advanced Parking: Backing Into a Space!!
11. Compliments: Accepting Them Gracefully.
12. Classic Clothing: Wearing Outfits You Already Have.
13. Oil and Gas: Your Car Needs Both!!
14. TV Remotes: For Men Only!!!
P. S. - I did not invest any time or effort to come up with this. This came as a forward from a generous female friend :)
Amazing Haircut !!!
Just came across this amazing piece of sound work (popularly known as 3D-Sound). Click on the link and hear it using your headphone (its must). Perhaps the effect is better once you close your eyes.
Getting a bit technical, it's a sample of binaural audio, where the two microphones are used to record a stereo track at just the location where your ears are. It's a good example of Holophonics - a form of binaural sound recording using a dummy head arrangement which is best heard on headphones. I bet you would like to listen it more than once.....
http://david- heron.me. uk/blog/2007/ 04/08/virtual- barbershop/
Getting a bit technical, it's a sample of binaural audio, where the two microphones are used to record a stereo track at just the location where your ears are. It's a good example of Holophonics - a form of binaural sound recording using a dummy head arrangement which is best heard on headphones. I bet you would like to listen it more than once.....
http://david- heron.me. uk/blog/2007/ 04/08/virtual- barbershop/
Ways to stop those telemarketing calls!!!
Another interesting forward which came to me.
1. After the telemarketer finishes speaking, ask him/her to marry you.
2. Tell the telemarketer you are busy at the moment, and ask him/her, if he/she will give you his/her home phone number so you can call him/her back.
3. Ask them to repeat everything they say, several times.
4. Tell them it is dinner time, BUT ask if they would please hold. Put them on your speaker phone while you continue to eat at your leisure. Smack your food loudly and continue with your dinner conversation.
5. Tell them that all business goes through your agent, and hand the phone to your five year old child.
6. Tell them you are hard of hearing and that they need to speak up.... louder...louder. ..louder!
7. Tell them to speak very slowly because you want to write every word down.
8. If they start out with, "How are you today?", say "I'm so glad you asked, because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems.... ........."
9. Cry out in surprise, "Helen, is that you? I've been hoping you'd call! How is the family?"
When they insist they are not Helen, tell them to stop joking.
This works especially well if the telemarketer is really MALE.
10. Tell the ICICI call center guy to call on your Office number.- and give him the HSBC call center number.
1. After the telemarketer finishes speaking, ask him/her to marry you.
2. Tell the telemarketer you are busy at the moment, and ask him/her, if he/she will give you his/her home phone number so you can call him/her back.
3. Ask them to repeat everything they say, several times.
4. Tell them it is dinner time, BUT ask if they would please hold. Put them on your speaker phone while you continue to eat at your leisure. Smack your food loudly and continue with your dinner conversation.
5. Tell them that all business goes through your agent, and hand the phone to your five year old child.
6. Tell them you are hard of hearing and that they need to speak up.... louder...louder. ..louder!
7. Tell them to speak very slowly because you want to write every word down.
8. If they start out with, "How are you today?", say "I'm so glad you asked, because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems.... ........."
9. Cry out in surprise, "Helen, is that you? I've been hoping you'd call! How is the family?"
When they insist they are not Helen, tell them to stop joking.
This works especially well if the telemarketer is really MALE.
10. Tell the ICICI call center guy to call on your Office number.- and give him the HSBC call center number.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Amitabh Unplugged!!!
Was watching ' Don' , the original one, a few days back and couldn't miss the cheeky one liners which used to be the hallmark of most Bachhan movies. Started thinking of all the one liners which have made his movies a treat to watch. Some of them I could recollect -
The Numero Uno -
"Aaj mere paas bangla hai, gadi hai, bank balance hai, tumhaare paas kya hai? "
" Mere paas maa hai!"
The Close Second -
" Aaj khush to bahut hoge tum" Amitabh entering the temple for the first time in life to pray for his mother's life.
Equally Memorable -
"Bhai tum sign karoge ki nahin"
"Jao pehle us aadmi ka sign leke aao ........."
Lots of Self Respect -
" Main aaj bhi pheke hue paise nahin leta"
All the above from the landmark 'Deewar' and have assumed near cult status.
Principles Never Compromised -
" Yeh mera usool hai ki main ghar mein ghus ke hi maarta hoon"
From Shaan
Who Am I -
"Rishtey mein to hum tumhaare baap lagte hai, naam hai Shahenshah"
Who Am I again -
"Vijay Deenanath Chauhan. Baap ka naam Deenanath Chauhan"
This one from Agneepath is memorable for the the dialogue delivery and execution.
Who were they -
"Ek woh chaar they aur ek aap chaar ho"
From Sharaabi
And there are so many of them. Please add up to the list.
The Numero Uno -
"Aaj mere paas bangla hai, gadi hai, bank balance hai, tumhaare paas kya hai? "
" Mere paas maa hai!"
The Close Second -
" Aaj khush to bahut hoge tum" Amitabh entering the temple for the first time in life to pray for his mother's life.
Equally Memorable -
"Bhai tum sign karoge ki nahin"
"Jao pehle us aadmi ka sign leke aao ........."
Lots of Self Respect -
" Main aaj bhi pheke hue paise nahin leta"
All the above from the landmark 'Deewar' and have assumed near cult status.
Principles Never Compromised -
" Yeh mera usool hai ki main ghar mein ghus ke hi maarta hoon"
From Shaan
Who Am I -
"Rishtey mein to hum tumhaare baap lagte hai, naam hai Shahenshah"
Who Am I again -
"Vijay Deenanath Chauhan. Baap ka naam Deenanath Chauhan"
This one from Agneepath is memorable for the the dialogue delivery and execution.
Who were they -
"Ek woh chaar they aur ek aap chaar ho"
From Sharaabi
And there are so many of them. Please add up to the list.
Still Searching!!!
My orkut fortune of the day -
" You and your wife will live a happy life together!!!"
But where's my wife? Probably orkut knows better where to find her. :)
" You and your wife will live a happy life together!!!"
But where's my wife? Probably orkut knows better where to find her. :)
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